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   Does the StepN project have a future? 

Ціна: договірна

General information

StepN is the latest cryptocurrency project in the crypto gaming segment. Despite the rapid growth in prices after the appearance on the exchanges, many experts are skeptical about it.

What is StepN?

This application appeared in December 2021. In order to earn tokens, you need to run and walk. This blockchain game began to quickly gain popularity. In the spring, the co-founder of the project announced that about 3 million people use the project on a daily basis.

This figure indicates that the project has serious prospects. Analysts promise that the most popular Web2 games will have a permanent audience of 100 million users. The native GMT token has already managed to reach a capitalization of $860 million. If you want to invest in the project, then first decide on the exchange. To do this, go to the site https://wellcrypto.io/best-exchange/best-2021/.

Does the project have a future?

Today, the platform is suitable for investment only for those who are willing to take risks. There are several reasons for this:

  • availability of early investors;
  • dubious model of work;
  • negative experience of competitors.

You need to know all the nuances before investing money. First of all, we can highlight the fact that the first investors in the platform appeared at the stage of the idea. The Sequoia Foundation purchased the first native tokens for next to nothing.

There are also serious questions about the Play To Earn system. It is important that the creators of the project can find good developers. The essence of the success of the system is that the user continues to play and does not withdraw his coins to the exchange for exchange. The most striking example of a local failure is Axie Infinity. The game failed to sustain its cosmic takeoff.

What are the advantages of StepN?

Developers create a unique platform that should be devoid of the shortcomings of competitors. For example, they create a price stabilization mechanism. There should always be shoes available for beginners. At the same time, it can't be too much. Otherwise, the interest in mining new shoes will disappear. Price balance can be achieved through a system of dual tokens.

The co-founder notes that StepN will be free from the key weaknesses of Axie Infinity. If you want to start investing in new projects, then first visit the site https://wellcrypto.io/best-exchange/for-beginners/.

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