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   Work from Home: Talent Acquisition Officer - Recruiter  (потрібно)

Ціна: договірна

Email Inquiries to: hiring at achadirect.com


Acha Co. Ltd. - Established over 17 years ago in is a wholesaler of premium body jewelry with over 80 employees. Please visit our website: http://www.achadirect.com.


Work from Home. Talent Acquisition Officer will be in charge of recruitment, as well as the design of the recruiting processes and tests necessary to find the best candidates for the different open positions.



Flexible hours and days.

Flexible personal leave days.

Work from Home


Qualification for Bangkok Marketing Office job:

Excellent in reading & writing English.

Very detail oriented.

Open minded to multitasking & extended job description, with a "can do" attitude.

Minimum 3 years experience as a Talent Acquisition officer.

Must have your own computer with a stable internet connection.

Please do not call the office & apply by email in English, in the email please write in the top of the email in which city you live. Email only to hiring at achadirect.com


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