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Головна  >  Товари  >  Медицина, фармакологія, парфумерія, косметика  >  Медичні товари та техніка  >  Пиявки медицинские оптом, leeches for sale,to buy leeches

   Пиявки медицинские оптом, leeches for sale,to buy leeches  (продам)

Ціна: 12 грн.

Center for Medical Leeches-Biofactory of medical leeches of Mihal Kutsay, PE grows and sells leeches. It is located in Lviv, Ukraine. Leeches are certificated, of high quality, used by the pharmacies,medical establishments and private individuals. We work whole year without mediators. The leeches are delivered with all necessary documents, veterinary certificate, quality certificate of control-analytical laboratory and other necessary documents. The order is processed within 1-2 days.We send to all regions of Ukraine, Russia, countries of the CIS and Europe. Leeches can be of any size according to the wish of a customer. We work without weekends from 7am to 11pm. 
We offer most attractive terms of order dlivery. The price of one leech is $1. Tel.+380508676656 ,+380964352631, viber +380932523298


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